Website for Art-Granit Company
We have developed a website for Art-Granit Company producing the goods of natural stone. We developed the website structure so that the information would be logically divided for the ready products buyers and for the unworked stone buyers.
We divided the information on website pages into the blocks, aiming to provide the comprehensive information to the website visitors and, meanwhile, not to overload the website. All the information is added and edited from the website control panel, hence, Art-Granit employees can update the website contents without our help.
We also realised a calculator to calculate the estimate product cost depending on the materials chosen and product specifications, for the sake of clients’ convenience and facilitation of Art-Granit employees’ work.
When developing this design, we set the task to emphasise the nobility of natural stone. This is why the design is made in austere colours, without bright accents. Clear shapes and well-balanced colour range render the atmosphere of noble chic.