Website for insurance broker
https://www.rca.mdFirst, asked us to correct the calculation of the cost of insurance, as the formulas for calculation have changed. We completed the task, found a common language and continued to work together. A new challenge was to update the design and functionality of the website.
We had a difficult task to simplify the procedure for sending a request for the purchase of insurance. Therefore, we made several ways to send a request. The user chooses for himself/herself the most convenient one. You can send a request through the online form, which we load gradually and show what else you need to fill out, depending on the data already entered. The website has become much more convenient for perception and easier for users.
And “behind the scenes” there is convenient processing and sorting of request in the admin part of the website and complex calculations, and features that make the user know the cost of insurance in different companies and what he/she can choose as a gift when ordering insurance. Easy and convenient!